Broadway is about to get a Jonas upgrade! Nick Jonas and the ridiculously talented Adrienne Warren are gearing up to star in the first-ever Broadway production of The Last Five Years—because apparently, Broadway didn’t already have enough drama and belting.
To get everyone hyped, the duo graced The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night (March 13) and blessed our ears with a sneak peek performance. Honestly, Fallon should start charging Broadway producers for all this free promo.
Now, if you’re unfamiliar with The Last Five Years, let’s break it down: it’s a musical about a relationship that lasts, well, five years (shocking, right?). Cathy, played by Adrienne, sings about the relationship in reverse—from the tragic end to the blissful beginning—while Nick’s character, Jamie, sings his way through it in chronological order, from “Wow, I love you!” to “Wow, this was a mistake.” The only time they actually make eye contact on stage? The middle. It’s like the rom-com version of a Christopher Nolan movie.
During their Fallon gig, Nick and Adrienne performed “The Next Ten Minutes,” aka the one time in the whole show where they stop ignoring each other’s timelines and sing together. It’s basically the musical equivalent of a celestial eclipse—rare but magical.
For those dying to see Nick Jonas channel his inner Broadway heartthrob (and Adrienne Warren absolutely crush it, as usual), the show begins previews on March 18. But don’t procrastinate—this is a 14-week limited run, wrapping up on June 22. So grab your tickets now before you’re stuck watching it through shaky bootleg videos on TikTok.