Kristin Cavallari’s new flame, Mark Estes, seems to have a backstory juicier than a reality TV plot twist!
As everyone knows, the 37-year-old Kristin has been getting all lovey-dovey with her 24-year-old beau, Mark, ever since they announced their romance on Instagram earlier this year. Things have been peachy keen, with Kristin swooning over Mark, who even scores brownie points with her kids. But wait—does our charming prince have a not-so-charming past?
On Tuesday, The US Sun spilled the tea, revealing some legal dirt that could give even the toughest soap opera a run for its money. Turns out, Mark got booted from his old university after a fight that left a poor guy with a literally broken face! Yes, you read that right. His face was BROKEN!
Picture this: It’s a chilly February day in 2021 in Bozeman, Montana. According to multiple police reports, Mark and his anonymous buddy decided to turn a minor parking squabble into WWE SmackDown. One frantic caller told the cops that her friend was “jumped” around 1:38 p.m. because these boys couldn’t handle a parking dispute like normal people. Instead, they allegedly stomped on the guy’s hand and threw punches like they were in a Rocky movie. Unfortunately for the victim, the evidence got snowed under, and the case was closed faster than you can say “frostbite.”
The cops were scratching their heads, trying to figure out if Mark should be charged with simple assault or go for the gold with aggravated assault. Spoiler alert: Despite being named as an offender, Mark walked away scot-free because the Sheriff’s Office decided it was just a case of “mutual combat.” Yep, apparently, everyone was Kung Fu fighting, and it was a tie.
But wait, there’s more! According to witnesses, it was mostly one guy getting his face rearranged by Mark and his pal. One source told The US Sun that the victim’s injuries were so bad his orbital bones were shattered, leading to bleeding under his eyes. For those who aren’t anatomy nerds, that means his eye sockets were smashed to bits. Ouch!
Oh, and it gets better. A brave girl tried to break up the fight but ended up with her own set of injuries: scraped legs and a missing fingernail. Double ouch.
One source explained the epic “parking dispute” that sparked this whole mess. Apparently, Mark and his buddy were struggling to move their truck on a snow-packed road. When a car with two girls pulled up behind them, things went from zero to crazy in seconds. They started yelling at the girls, which attracted the attention of partygoers inside the house. That’s when the soon-to-be punching bags, I mean, victims, came outside. One eyewitness vividly remembered Mark charging at the primary victim like a bull in a china shop, initiating the brawl. The poor guy ended up on the ground with Mark playing whack-a-mole on his face.
After the chaos, both victims ended up needing hospital care. One source summed up the situation with a delightful critique of Mark’s character, calling him a “horrible person.” Ouch, again.
In the aftermath, Mark had to face a Zoom meeting with his lawyer and the dean of MSU in April. Not only did he get expelled, but he was also booted from the football team and banned from campus for five years. Bye-bye, Montana State! Hello, Montana Tech!
A third source, close to the primary victim, described the ordeal as “traumatizing,” which is a pretty polite way of saying, “Thanks for the nightmares, Mark.” The victim now lives in fear, thinking these guys might come after him again if he speaks out. Talk about living in a real-life horror movie!
This wild tale of punches, parking, and broken faces is a serious red flag waving right in Kristin’s direction. Here’s hoping she’s got her drama radar on high alert!