On a fine Thursday, July 17, Sheikha Mahra bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the royal daughter of Dubai’s ruler, dropped a bombshell on Instagram. In a post that could make soap opera writers jealous, she declared her divorce from her husband, Sheikh Mana bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Mana Al Maktoum. Her message? “Dear Husband, As you are occupied with other companions, I hereby declare our divorce.” Ouch, talk about airing dirty laundry!
Now, Mahra’s post wasnโt just any breakup text; it seemed to be invoking the dramatic flair of the Islamic practice of triple talaq. This is where you say “I divorce you” three times, and voilร , you’re single again. Typically, this practice is more of a guy thing and has been banned in many Middle Eastern countries for being just a tad too controversial. So, whether Mahraโs post holds any legal weight is still up in the air.
Let’s rewind to the love story that once was. According to the Arabian Royal Agency, Sheikha Mahra and Sheikh Mana were engaged in March 2022, with Sheikh Mana’s father confirming it with an official poem. Yep, an actual poem. Fast forward to May 2023, and the couple tied the knot with a reception so luxurious it could make Gatsby green with envy.
But the plot thickens! Just two months ago, Mahra gave birth to their daughter. The pregnancy announcement came in October 2023, complete with an Instagram ultrasound photo. Ah, the good old days of social media bliss.
Mahraโs divorce declaration has the internet buzzing more than a beehive. Some followers are cheering her on, while others are shaking their heads. And in true modern breakup fashion, both have scrubbed their Instagram accounts clean of each otherโs photos and hit that unfollow button.
As of now, neither the UAE government nor Sheikh Mana have chimed in on Mahra’s mic drop moment. Stay tuned โ this royal drama is far from over!