So, get this, the dapper gent of the hour is none other than Barry Keoghan, a chap hailing from Saltburn. Now, imagine this strapping lad, all 31 years of him, parading around the Vanity Fair Oscar Party like he owns the joint. But here’s the kicker: he’s not hogging the spotlight for himself, oh no! He’s playing the part of a modern-day knight, gallantly offering up his jacket to his supposed lady friend, the one and only Sabrina Carpenter!
Picture this scene: as they bid adieu to the party, Barry, with his arm casually draped around the “Feather” crooner’s manager, Amy Davidson, can’t help but crack up at the sheer absurdity of it all. I mean, come on, who does that? Who gallivants around Beverly Hills, swapping outerwear like it’s some kind of medieval fashion show?
But hey, in a world where egos soar higher than the Hollywood hills, Barry Keoghan stands tall as a beacon of old-school manners. A true gentleman, indeed! And as they all saunter off into the night, one can’t help but wonder: did Barry just start a trend, or is this merely the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of Tinseltown’s absurdity? Oh, the mysteries of La La Land!