Katherine Heigl is out here trying to save innocent doggos, but apparently, some rescue group decided to throw a big ol’ pile of drama at her instead—and now, she’s had it! IconicHipster.com has learned that Katherine and her mom, Nancy, are suing a dog rescue for spreading more 💩 than a toddler who found a permanent marker.
Let’s back up: Katherine and her mom run the Jason Heigl Foundation, named after her late brother, and their whole mission is to save animals from kill shelters. A+ work, right? Well, apparently, not everyone agrees—enter The Pitty Committee.
The Heigls had an agreement with TPC (which sounds like a golf tournament but is, in fact, a dog rescue in Santa Monica). The deal? Katherine’s foundation would send them $5,000 a month to rescue a certain number of doggos of their choosing. Sounds simple enough, right? WRONG.
According to legal docs obtained by IconicHipster.com, things started going sideways when the Heigls noticed some sketchy financial behavior from TPC. As in, “Where’s our money going?” sketchy. When they started asking questions, TPC allegedly pulled a classic “Who, me? Couldn’t be!” and got real weird about the whole thing.
Then, when the contract ended in December 2023, the Heigls did what any logical person would do: they packed up their leashes and walked away. Case closed? HAHAHA. No.
Fast forward a year, and suddenly TPC’s top dog, Alyssa Deetman, decided to pop off on social media, claiming the Heigls actually owed THEM hundreds of thousands of dollars. Excuse us?? Hundreds of THOUSANDS? What kind of premium kibble were they buying?!
And it gets worse—Deetman also accused Katherine of cramming dogs into tiny cages and even being responsible for the deaths of two puppies. Yep. She went there.
But wait, the plot thickens. The lawsuit points out that when Deetman was still trying to keep that sweet, sweet Heigl Foundation money flowing, she was singing a very different tune. She even emailed Nancy with this little nugget of admiration:
“I will sing your praises always… I am so proud of the work you do. I respect you, and I respect Katherine.”
Wow. BIG switch-up. Katherine’s now taking legal action, claiming these false allegations are messing with her good name and making it harder for her to keep doing her animal-saving superhero work. Because let’s be real, nothing kills a reputation faster than a social media smear campaign.
So, what’s next? Will TPC fight back? Will Katherine unleash the ultimate legal takedown? Will someone finally get these dogs some peace and quiet? Stay tuned, because this lawsuit is about to be juicier than a steak-flavored chew toy. 🐾💥