‘One Tree Hill’ Actress Jenna Kramer Calls Travis Kelce An Alcoholic, Asks Taylor Swift To Be Mindful

Jana Kramer, the sass queen from “One Tree Hill,” decided to spill the tea on Travis Kelce’s party animal antics. And let’s just say, she’s not exactly giving him the gold star for responsible behavior. Nope, according to Jana, Travis is basically the poster child for the “always having a good time” club, especially when it comes to knocking back a few cold ones.

In her podcast, appropriately named “Whine Down” (seriously, could the irony be any thicker?), Jana didn’t hold back. She straight-up called Travis out for being a perpetual party animal. Like, seriously, every time she catches a glimpse of him in a video, he’s doing his best impression of a walking margarita. And if that’s not enough, she’s worried that Taylor Swift might get caught in his boozy crossfire.

But oh, it doesn’t stop there. Jana then pivots to Tay Tay herself, expressing her hopes that the pop sensation doesn’t start taking cues from Travis in the party department. And hey, can you blame her? Taylor’s been caught red-handed (or should we say red-cupped?) enjoying a drink or two alongside Mr. Kelce himself.

Remember when Taylor dropped that bombshell of a line in one of her songs about being a ‘functioning alcoholic’? Yeah, well, turns out it might’ve been more truth than tune. Seems like Taylor’s been hitting the sauce a little too hard lately, and Jana’s not the only one who’s noticed. Cue the concerned whispers from the peanut gallery about Taylor’s newfound love for liquid courage and the company she keeps.

But wait, there’s more! Jana and her squad on the pod aren’t just wagging their fingers at Taylor and Travis’s questionable choices. Oh no, they’re diving headfirst into the deep end of speculation, suggesting that Travis might just be in it for the PR spotlight while Taylor’s left holding the empty shot glass. Ouch, talk about throwing some shade!

So, if you’re ready for a cocktail of tough love, speculation, and enough drama to fuel a reality TV show, do yourself a favor and give Jana’s podcast a listen. It’s a wild ride from start to finish, and hey, who knows what other celebrity shenanigans they’ll dissect next!

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