Statement About Meghan Markle By Prince Harry Deleted From Royal Family Website

Hold onto your teacups, because there’s a royal shake-up afoot! The ever-watchful eyes of royal enthusiasts have spotted a curious tweak on the official royal family website, and it’s all about our favorite duo, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Yes, the ginger prince and his actress-turned-duchess wife are back in the spotlight, and this time it’s not for a Netflix special or a bombshell interview.

Here’s the scoop: Apparently, this covert operation happened in the twilight of 2023, but it’s only bubbling to the surface now. Think of it as a royal Easter egg that fans just cracked open.

So, what’s the fuss about? Well, it turns out that the Palace’s digital overlords have quietly axed Prince Harry’s legendary proclamation of love and fury from 2016. This wasn’t just any love letter, though; it was a fiery rebuttal from Harry’s communications czar, confirming his romance with Meghan and taking aim at the media mob hounding her.

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Back in the day, this statement was hotter than a cup of Earl Grey. It didn’t just announce their relationship; it was a full-on dragon’s roar against the “abuse and harassment” Meghan was facing.

Let’s rewind to November 2016, shall we? Here’s a dramatic reading of the now-vanished declaration:

“His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment.” (Cue gasps and dramatic music.) “Some of this has been very public – the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments.” (Seriously, trolls, do you not have better things to do?) “Some of it has been hidden from the public – the nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of papers; her mother having to struggle past photographers in order to get to her front door; the attempts of reporters and photographers to gain illegal entry to her home and the calls to police that followed; the substantial bribes offered by papers to her ex-boyfriend; the bombardment of nearly every friend, co-worker, and loved one in her life.”

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“Prince Harry is worried about Ms. Markle’s safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her.” (Ah, chivalry isn’t dead!) “It is not right that a few months into a relationship with him that Ms. Markle should be subjected to such a storm.” (Because nothing says ‘I love you’ like weathering a media hurricane together.) “He knows commentators will say this is ‘the price she has to pay’ and that ‘this is all part of the game’. He strongly disagrees. This is not a game – it is her life and his,” the statement continued, practically on one knee with a rose in hand. “He has asked for this statement to be issued in the hopes that those in the press who have been driving this story can pause and reflect before any further damage is done. He knows that it is unusual to issue a statement like this, but hopes that fair-minded people will understand why he has felt it necessary to speak publicly.”

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And now, like a royal magic trick, it’s gone – poof! Disappeared from the website, leaving us all wondering why it was erased. Did someone spill tea on the server? Or is this part of a grander scheme? The mystery deepens, but one thing’s for sure – in the world of royals, nothing stays hidden forever. Stay tuned, royal watchers!

Statement About Meghan Markle By Prince Harry Deleted From Royal Family Website

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