Shiloh Jolie has just performed the ultimate mic drop by officially yeeting “Pitt” from her last name. Yes, it’s a done deal. If you’re thinking, “Wait, what?!”—don’t worry, you’re not alone.
So, let’s rewind a bit. Earlier this summer, on her 18th birthday (because nothing says “I’m an adult now” like dropping half your famous last name), Shiloh, the offspring of Hollywood titans Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, decided it was time for a name makeover. She filed the necessary court docs with a big ol’ “Bye, Felicia!” to the Pitt part of her name.
And guess what? Today, it’s official. Shiloh has now entered the world with a last name that’s 50% more compact and 100% more Jolie. I mean, who needs all those extra letters when you’ve got “Jolie” in your arsenal?
But wait, there’s more! The plot thickens as we discover that her sisters, Zahara and Vivienne, are reportedly also in the process of giving “Pitt” the boot. However, they haven’t gone full Shiloh yet, so the legal side of things is still TBD. Maybe they’re just waiting for the right dramatic moment—like a slow-motion walk away from an explosion—before they drop the Pitt bombshell.
Shiloh Jolie is officially Pitt-less, and we’re all just sitting here wondering what’s next. A one-name rebrand à la Madonna, perhaps? Only time will tell!