Britney Spears, the one and only “Oops, I Did It Again” pop queen, is still doing something she probably didn’t expect: cutting child support checks! Yes, despite the fact that her youngest son, Jayden James, just blew out 18 candles on his birthday cake, Britney’s wallet is still doing its best impression of the Energizer Bunny—it keeps going and going.
Britney, at the spry age of 42 (which in pop star years is basically ancient, but in regular people years is basically…life’s halftime show), shares Jayden and his older brother, Sean Preston, with Kevin Federline, aka the guy who somehow made “tracksuits and flip-flops” his signature look back in 2007. Speaking of 2007, that’s the year Britney and Kevin hit the splitsville highway, though that hasn’t stopped Britney from sending monthly love notes—via direct deposit, of course.
So why, you ask, is Britney still making it rain in Kevin’s bank account, now that both boys are legal adults? Enter Kevin’s lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, who could probably explain tax law to a toddler. He reminded us all of a riveting California law that says child support doesn’t hit the brakes just because a kid can vote. Nope, if a kid is still slogging through high school, that money train keeps chugging along until they graduate—or hit the ripe old age of 19, whichever comes first.
Translation? Britney’s kiddo Jayden is still enjoying the perks of high school cafeteria pizza and the awkwardness of prom prep, which means Britney is still on the hook. But don’t worry, that’s all coming to a close in November, when Jayden’s graduation robes officially signal the end of child support season.
Meanwhile, a mysterious “source close to Britney” (probably her dog or that guy who delivers her Starbucks) assured us that Britney is basically Supermom. She’s all about the future, loves her kids to the moon and back, and would happily continue supporting them, even if it means funding a few more sneaker collections and Xbox games.
Britney’s still got bills to pay, but it’s all good in the Spears neighborhood.